A Ritual For Wearing Your Mask

Wearing your mask is not a political act - it’s a sacred act of respect and care for your neighbors. But I get it, masks can be irritating, especially in the summer. When the breath feels constricted, or you feel hot and muggy, or your glasses get fogged up, it’s normal for resentment to build. And all that resentment can lead to resistance, even subconsciously. So here’s a quick six second ritual you can do each day to help reframe your relationship to your mask from resentment to gratitude. A little intention can go a long way.

  1. Pause

After putting on your mask, pause and take one deep mindful breath, bringing all your attention to the inhale and exhale.

Even when you're rushing, you always have time for a single breath.

Say outloud or in your head, "I can breathe."

2. Remember

As you go about your day, inevitably you'll have moments of frustration and discomfort. When those thoughts arise, come back to your intention: "I can breathe"

Remember what a privilege that is. Think of how many people are no longer breathing because of Covid. Think of how many times BIPOC have had to tell police "I can't breathe."

Now keep breathing, with gratitude.

I can breathe

What a gift

I can breathe

What a privilege

I can breathe

What an opportunity

I can breathe


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